Monday, February 15, 2010

I've been up to painting of course. Yesterday, I spent most of the evening sketching out possible paintings...In the end, I decided to do a picture of one of my book characters I'd done in pen and Prisma Color Markers last year. It took me the rest of the night to translate it to my 18 x 24 canvas, but I was pleased with the end result. This morning, I sealed the lines and filled in the larger areas with an oil paint and turpentine mix. (This is what I used to seal the lines with, too.)

And then as the day progressed, I let the thin coating dry and then began to add more and more paint. I prefer to do paintings in one sitting if not in only a few days, instead of spending a month or so on it, as I've mentioned before. Above is the painting through its first stages, appropriately titled after my novel, "Duberen".

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